Mysterious Realities: Perspectives From Beyond Spacetime


Mysterious Realities Paperback


Mysterious Realities has been inspired by the supernatural experiences of myself and my brother Stephen Denman. Because we have both studied the Unexplained Mysteries since childhood, we came to realise that beyond the frequencies and vibrations of this 3D Holographic Reality are many other radiant expanses, that are inhabited by different kinds of Spirits, Giants, Cryptids, and Extraterrestrials, which know how to resonate with these Astral Worlds.

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Within this book you will see the interconnection of all these subjects and how they exist as different frequencies at the same time. You will begin to understand that Astral Projection, etheric lifeforms and various kinds of supernatural events, which you may have experienced yourself, are the keys to unlocking these concealed revelations on Planet Earth. This powerful knowledge can be used to question the condensed vibrations which seemingly define what we believe is the Material World. Hence, we must remember that questioning everything around us is a positive indication that spiritually aligned individuals want to improve upon the importance of civilisation.


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